1 min read

operates in the field of .

Last update:

  • Yield:
  • Price/earnings ratio : (Ideal <20 )
  • Earnings per share : (Ideal >0.001)
  • Price as per : HK$


Dividend related metrics

  1. Dividend since :
  2. Dividend growth since :
  3. No of years Dividend Growth:
  4. That makes this company a
  5. Payouts/year:
  6. Payout in the following months : .
  7. Ex-date :
  8. Latest dividend announcement:
  9. Dividend 5 yr average:


Company Performance

  1. Price/earnings ratio : (Ideal <20 )
  2. Earnings per share : (Ideal >0.001)
  3. Dividend payout : (Ideal <50%)
  4. Dividend Coverage ratio:
  5. EPS 5 year growth rate :
  6. Return on Equity:


Dividend Growth related Metrics

  1. Average dividend growth 1 year :
  2. Average dividend growth 3 years :
  3. Average dividend growth 5 years : 22.93% (Ideal >5%)
  4. Average dividend growth 10 years :
  5. 10% on costs in how many years:

Price related metrics

  1. Price as per : HK$
  2. 52 Week low :
  3. 52 week high :
  4. Price to 52 Week Low:
  5. Price to 52 week high:
  1. Chowder rule (Yield + 5 yrs average dividend growth) :
  2. Lot: shares
  3. Investment, Lot x Price: HKD
  4. Expected Dividends, Investment x Yield:


Dividend Report (incl Special Dividends, if any) ,the history, projection on dividend growth and how many year to get 10% Yield-on-Cost



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